Title: Searching For Sky
Author: Jillian Cantor
Genre: Young adult
Rate: ☆☆☆
River means everything to Sky. They have lived alone together on Island for as long as they can remember. The two of them hunt for food, wash in Falls and curl up together in Shelter. Their life is simple and safe. Until River sees a boat . . .
Across Ocean is California, a place where nothing makes sense to Sky. She is separated from River and taken to live with a grandmother she doesn’t know. Lost and heartbroken, Sky searches for him so they can return to Island, only to find out that their paradise wasn’t as perfect as she thought, and everything she’s ever known and loved may have been a lie.
This is definitely something different. Jillian Cantor has created a reverse-dystopia book which may or may not have out so well. I'm ambivalent about Searching For Sky, it wasn't a terrible book but it wasn't a great one either. The pacing is slow, the storyline is meh, it's unrealistic and truth be told, I found Sky pretty irritating.
We are taken on a journey through Sky's point of view of seeing the world as we know it for the very first time and learning the truth about the island that was her home. The aspect of her learning about why she ended up on 'Island' was interesting at the least, but it was presented very weakly. The author could've played around with it a bit which could've made the book ten times better.
Having spent all her life on an island, she doesn't know what things like a light, a door or a car is. Her confusion and reaction to these things are understandable. But Christ, she's so damn annoying. I don't know what it is, really but many times I just wanted her grandmother to leave her on the street and see how she would like that. I failed to connect with her.
I wouldn't particularly recommend this book but some people will like it. For me, it was different and it intrigued me but it was extremely dull with the most exciting part happening in the last few chapters but even then, I felt like what happened in the last few chapters was an attempt at a shocking twist - it was a good turn but not shocking nor really necessary.
-C E L I N E
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