Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This weeks theme is; My favourite Characters. (In no particular order,)
1. Margo Roth Spiegelman from Paper Towns - I loved Margo because she was so exciting and interesting to read about. I loved how mysterious she was and how much Quentin adored her from afar. She was inspiring and full of life but also left you guessing, somebody you would want to spend a lot of time with. I loved reading about her.
2. Elise from Dangerous Girls - I was stuck on whether to choose Anna or Elise (You may just see Anna pop up on this list). I chose Elise because she was the one that got killed by her best friend and I thought "poor Elise". I envied the way she was so carefree and laid-back but always there for Anna throughout her mothers illness, she was also so compassionate. However we cannot forget how she did sleep with Tate, but there is bad in all of us right?
3. Daemon Black from The Lux Series - Imagine the hottest guy you know and times him by one thousand, you have Daemon Black. If his name does not make you melt then his personality sure as hell will. He rocks this whole mean thing towards Katie, but really he loves her and is willing to do anything to protect her.
4. June from Lengend - June is a prodigy, she is so breathtakingly smart it is impossible to dislike her. She starts the book hating Day but by the end of book three she is willing to give up her own happiness for Day. She is such a strong individual, I loved reading about her.
5. Oliver from Dangerous Boys - Oliver's character is so dark and thrilling you couldn't help but feel enticed by his motives and what defines him, he is breathtaking and is willing to do anything. He has no limits and lives like the world is his. Chloe was inspired by this and reading Dangerous Boys I believed in him as well.
6. Cady from We were liars - I loved reading about her, her thought track was amazing to read through. She was just a really likeable character, very easy to enjoy reading about. I loved reading about her accident and how she dealt with it,she was a very strong character and a delight to read about.
7. Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games - Katniss is my idol, wish I could shoot an arrow like her, I wish I could appear fearless like her, I wish I could lie like her, I wish I could braid my hair like her, I wish I be selfless like her. I wish I was her, minus all of the Hunger Games stuff (of course I still want Peeta, I mean who wouldn't?)
8. Patch Cipriano from Hush Hush - Patch Cipriano is swoon worthy. Every single thing that comes out of his mouth is calculated, he is very mysterious and alluring, reading about Patch is so vivid and real, when you are snapped back into reality it is a huge disappointment.
9. Cath from Fangirl - I only picked Cath because she can stay up super late, I only get this impression because not once in that book does it ever mention she is tired and she stays up until like 12.
10. Leila from Lets get Lost - I really liked Leila because she made an impact on each of these peoples lives and I like reading about people being adventurous and mysterious and exciting.
love you all
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